Mindful Eating
The typical American eating the typical American diet eats on the run, eats in the car, eats at their desk, eats in front of the TV, or eats standing in...
Have you been thinking about or maybe desperately needing to improve your health? But maybe you don’t know what to do or where to start? You should hire a Nutritional...
We’ve all heard it over and over in our lives. “You need to drink more water!” The conventional idea is you need to drink about 8 glasses, 64 ounces, or...
Speaking of fertility…when we as Americans think of fertility and preparation for having babies, how many of us think about diet? Most people know that age-old advice that as an...
Sixty percent of American adults experience heartburn, also called acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) each year. GERD has nothing to do with the heart despite the common name...
Travel can be a hectic and stressful experience: carting luggage through crowded airports, waiting in lines, getting extra friendly pat-downs from overly zealous security guards…or sitting in the car for...
We’re entering the season of “bikini-ready, beach body” hype, and with it often comes talk of detoxes and cleanses. The appeal is undeniable: “What quick fix can I employ to...
Most of my clients have weight loss as one of their top 5 health goals. It’s a great goal, especially with the multitude of studies showing that obesity is associated...